Halloween House Tutorial
>> 5.11.09

My second tutorial ^^;
Actually I'm not to sure if anybody wants to make this. Especially since halloween has just passed by; but you can modify it into christmas house v(>.<)v
I put some points on how to work on hearty & grace clay though. You might notice the difference in the one that i mix with hearty and the ones that is pure grace even before varnishing it.
Very fun and cool! Thanks so much for sharing!
it is indeed very cool ^ ^ i know i promised to make it today, but my hands are not co-operating again, i think it's the cold weather :(
but once i do i promise to show you ;) thank you again for such a generous gift ^ ^
thanks asuka! it looks really cool, but somehow i can't get it to open in normal size! :( after i click on the image, i can hardly read the words or see the photos clearly. boohoo, it looks so wonderful to try out too!
@jocelyn: you can go to my deviantart and DL it... sorry, i didn't know about it sooner...
hi Asuka, yep that works! :) thank youu! :)
Thanks for your kindness in letiing us know this tuto.
Oh, my eyes! Can you make it any larger? You know, you do have ahem, elderly people (me) looking at your blog! lol ;)
Looks good, sweetie. :)
thank you Maddie, elis, dale :)
dale, you can click on the photo one by one to make it bigger in another window. :)
Asuka! :) I can see the pictures, I can't read the fine print or the comment section. (old lady! lol)
Un tutorial siempre viene bien y ahora vuelve halloween y la idea me ha servido. Gracias por compartirlo, la casita quedó monísima. Saludos
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